Aquí encontrarás una lista de parte de la literatura que usé para el artículo en el que hablé de los beneficios que tienen las plantas en tu entorno. Por si te gusta profundizar más en el tema. La mayoría están en inglés porque fueron los artículos más actualizados y relevantes que encontré del tema.
Literatura beneficios de las plantas en casa: salud mental
Artículos hablando de los beneficios de tener plantas en casa y oficina: psicológicos y estado de animo:
Lohr, Virginia & H. Pearson-Mims, Caroline & K. Goodwin, Georgia. (1995). Interior plants may improve worker productivity and reduce stress in a windowless environment. Environ. Hort.. 14.
Shibata, S. and N. Suzuki. 2002. Effects of the Foliage Plant on Task Performance and Mood. Journal of Environmental Psychology 22: 265-272.
Shibata, S. and N. Suzuki. 2004. Effects of an Indoor Plant on Creative Task Performance and Mood. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 45: 373-381.
Chang, C. and P. Chen. 2005. Human Response to Window Views and Indoor Plants in the Workplace. HortScience 40 (5): 1354-1359.
Fjeld, T. et al. 1998. The Effect of Indoor Foliage Plants on Health and Discomfort Symptoms Among Office Workers. Indoor and Built Environment 7: 204-209.
Taylor, A. F., F. E. Kuo, and W. C. Sullivan. 2001. Coping With ADD: The Surprising Connection to Green Play Settings. Environment and Behaviour 33 (1): 54-77.
Taylor, A. F., F. E. Kuo, and W. C. Sullivan. 2002. Views of Nature and Self-Discipline: Evidence From Inner City Children. Journal of Environmental Psychology 22: 49-63.
Literatura beneficios de las plantas en casa: salud física
Artículos hablando de la medicina:
Watson, G. 1994. Associated Medical Services Medicinal Garden. In N. Track, Canada’s Royal Garden, Portraits and Reflections, 105-108. Toronto, Ontario: Penguin Group.
Powe, N. A. and K. G. Willis. 2004. Mortality and Morbidity Benefits of Air Pollution (SO2 and PM10) Absorption Attributable to Woodland in Britain. Journal of Environmental Management 70 (2): 119-128.
Literatura beneficios de las plantas en casa: ambientales
Artículos hablando de los beneficios para el ahorro:
Lohr, V. I. and C. H. Pearson-Mims. 2003. Impact of Interior Plants on Relative Humidity and Dust. Retrieved Feb. 19, 2007 from:
Rosenfeld, A. H. et al. 1998. Cool Communities: Strategies for Heat Island Mitigation and Smog Reduction. Energy and Buildings 28: 51-62.
Akbari, H. 2002. Shade Trees Reduce Building Energy Use and CO2 Emissions From Power Plants. Environmental Pollution 116: 119-126.
McPherson, E. G. 2005. Trees With Benefits. American Nurseryman April 1: 34-40.
Robinette, G. O. 1972. Plants, People, and Environmental Quality. Washington DC: US
Department of the Interior, National Parks Service.
Beneficios ambientales:
McPherson, E. G. 2005. Trees With Benefits. American Nurseryman April 1: 34-40.
Orwell, R. L. et al. 2004. Removal of Benzene by the Indoor Plant/Substrate Microcosm and Implications for Air Quality. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 157: 193-207.
Liu, Y. J. et al. 2007. Which Ornamental Plant Species Effectively Remove Benzene
From Indoor Air? Atmospheric Environment 41 (3): 650-654
Lohr, V. I. and C. H. Pearson-Mims. 1996. Particulate Matter Accumulation on
Horizontal Surfaces in Interiors: Influence of Foliage Plants. Atmospheric Environment
30 (14): 2565-2568.
Oyabu, T. et al. 2003. Characteristics of Potted Plants for Removing Offensive Odors.
Sensors and Actuators 89: 131-136.
Prescod, A. W. 1990. Growing Indoor Plants As Air Purifiers. Pappus 9 (4): 13-20.
Prescod, A. W. 1992. More Indoor Plants As Air Purifiers. Pappus 11 (4): 17-24.
Fare, D. and W. Clatterbuck. 1998. Evergreen Trees for Screens and Hedges in the
Landscape. Agriculture Extension Service, The University of Tennessee, SP517-15M-
7/98. Retrieved Feb. 22, 2007 from:
Literatura beneficios de las plantas en casa: económicos
Henry, M. 1994. The Contribution of Landscaping to the Price of Single Family Homes: A Study of Homes in Greenville, South Carolina. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 12 (2): 65-70.
Behe, B. et al. 2005. Landscape Plant Material, Size and Design Sophistication Increase Perceived Home Value. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 23 (3): 127-133. from:
Des Rosiers, F. et al. 2002. Landscaping and House Values: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Real Estate Research 23 (1/2): 139-161.
Saunder, L. 2003. Benefits of Landscaping. Smart Money, March 2003. Retrieved Feb. 22, 2007 from:
Taylor, C. 2003. Fertile Ground. Smart Money, March 2003. from:
Plantas y seguridad:
Robinette, G. O. 1972. Plants, People, and Environmental Quality. Washington DC: US
Department of the Interior, National Parks Service.
Cleveland Police. 2007. Plants: A Natural Line of Defence. Retrieved Feb. 23, 2007
HGTV. 2007. Security Plants. Retrieved Feb. 23, 2007 from:,1785,HGTV_3648_3059952,0
Efecto valorar comunidad:
Gardner, S. ed. 2006. Effective Landscaping Design Helps Solve Municipal Issues.
Municipal World, May, p. 17-20.
Beneficios de plantas para vender:
Center for Urban Horticulture. 1998a. Growing With Green: Business Districts and the Urban Forest. University of Washington College of Forest Resources, Human Dimensions of the Urban Forest Fact Sheet No. 2. Retrieved Feb. 26, 2007a from:
Planet Professional Landcare Network. 2005. Economic Benefits of Landscaping. Retrieved Feb. 21, 2007 from:
Center for Urban Horticulture. 2000. Community Image: Roadside Settings and Public Perceptions. University of Washington College of Forest Resources, Human Dimensions of the Urban Forest Fact Sheet No. 10. Retrieved Feb. 26, 2007 from:
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